Your monthly pledge sustains SRV's Programs

& makes it possible for others to benefit as you have.

Easy Monthly Pledge

We all need to feel that we are supporting Dharmic Causes. Choose one of the plans below and dive deep into all the profound classes SRV Associations freely offers. And join Babaji Bob Kindler for weekly live zoom events too! All the links are given below.

Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda (SRV) Associations is a tax-exempt nonprofit: 93-1153311

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Where to find Classes and More:

SRV YouTube Channel

Classes, Interviews, Satsangs,

& Jai Ma Music Videos

Ashram of the Subtle Realms

All of SRV in one location & a cyber-place for the sangha to gather and connect. Support your spiritual studies and

SRV at the same time.

Be our guest for the first month.

Attend Babaji's Weekly

Zoom Satsangs

Saturdays, 8:00am Hawaii Time (HST)

Sign up for our Friday email for schedule & Links

Sanskrit Peace Chants

Listen, Memorize, Contemplate

Jai Ma Music

Devotional Songs

For your morning & evening

spiritual practice